Flatlands- A romance of many dimensions

Urhg maths. I know how important it is and yadda yadda but as interesting as it might be, could someone ever write a book about it (that is not a textbook)?? I mean I certainly would not be inclined to read something as migraine inducing, let alone for entertainment! So, me deciding to read Flatlands was quite an arbitrary decision and was honestly quite shocking considering the very sight of numbers makes me hurl. But now that I have finished the book and given it some time to settle in, I can finally give my thanks to Edwin A. Abbott for giving me a chance to read a novel like no other.

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Macbeth Essay

Ah yes, everybody loves a good English literature essay. Especially when it is timed and assessed!!

Jokes aside, if you are planning on using this essay as, ahem, inspiration, it is important that you have clear structure in the paragraphs and include sufficient evidence for the points made (these are my EBIs on this assessment). Now without further ado, the following is the culmination of stress and my flailing brain trying to piece together coherent sentences 😀

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You killed me! book review

A lot of people think that the bigger a book is, the more satisfying and better it is to finish. I know this because I used to be someone with that exact mindset. That is exactly why I was slightly hesitant and admittedly disappointed when I first saw the book that I had received as a gift. To me it seemed like a children’s book. Surely Michael Morpurgo’s mudpuddle farm was denser than this? How on earth could an author condense a complex murder story into such a small number of pages? Continue reading “You killed me! book review”

AC Revelations first impressions

And so, my growing and somewhat unhealthy obsession with the ‘Assassin’s Creed’ franchise continues, now in the form of a book (Assassin’s Creed Revelations to be more precise). I was intrigued by this book, not only because it had AC in its title but also because I was curious to see how they would portray the story of a game in the form of a book.

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The Eagle of the Ninth 🦅

I have always been a fan of Roman (and Greek) history. I mean, I got a Ps4 just so I could play AC Odyssey. I have also read the Odyssey and thoroughly enjoyed it. I do plan on moving to the Iliad (though it should have been the other way around, I know I know). But there is one problem. There is always something so daunting about the thought of reading a book with a lot of factual and historical context. Is it the traumatic memories of my English literature classes rushing through me or is it fear it may be too slow and dreary or packed with too many references to points in history that I don’t know (and sometimes don’t even care about)? Continue reading “The Eagle of the Ninth 🦅”

Moonrise book review

To be completely honest, I only took this book due to its very pretty and visually pleasing cover. I needed something to save from boredom whilst I wait for my bus and I was not entirely sure whether or not I would enjoy this book. I would like to go back in time and give past Maaya a great thankyou for not walking past this book in the shelf (which is a surprise because there a lot of things as to why I would like to go back and punch past Maaya). This book has opened me up to a whole new way of story telling and it is also the first one where I had to put it down and have a break from it to prevent myself from blubbing (I was not ready to feels). The story of Joe, the main character, is written in blank verse. This makes it a very quick read and it also make you sad that the book ends so quickly. The ending gives meaning to the title and front cover and it really makes you jump up and down yelling “OOOOOOOOoooooooh THAT MAKES SENSE!”. Here is a little , what do you call it, teaser if you will: Continue reading “Moonrise book review”

The Sword of Light book review

Over the years, I have read many, many, MANY books. But out of all of those. There are only a few that I am able to call my favourite. You see, picking out the right book is always so difficult. It is always a gamble of whether or not it is a book of my taste. To add to this already annoying problem, my taste changes. So, some of the books I might have considered the best back then may just be a ‘meh’ now. The Sword of Light is a good example. Let me explain why. Continue reading “The Sword of Light book review”

We Are All Made Of Molecules rewiew

Let me assure you that this book is in fact a fiction book which has nothing to do with science despite what the title may imply. Trust me, I had to learn that after reading the entire book. Despite this however, I have to say, I really did enjoy this book so let me tell you a little bit about what this story tells us. Continue reading “We Are All Made Of Molecules rewiew”