The dog and the Marvelous stick

After school on nearly every day, I walk, take the bus and walk some more to get home. The only exception for this is either when all the buses are cancelled, or I have a club. On the journey from my school to the first bus stop, I am accompanied by to of my friends. To be completely honest, nothing interesting really happens. Other than throwing acorns, chasing pigeons and making really bad jokes (for example: what do you call a 3.14 metre snake?… a π-thon! Sorry), its just a nice leisurely walk. Sometimes however, we see amazing things and decide to pick them up like if we see a nicely coloured leaf or a strange looking rock. But on one particular day, one of my friends decided to pick up a stick. Continue reading “The dog and the Marvelous stick”

My Favourite Animal

As you may know, I am a real animal enthusiast. I love all animals but mostly felines such as tigers, lion and even domestic cats. But that does not mean they are my favourite animals. In fact, my favourite is actually a canine, their polar opposite. My favourite animal is a wolf. (This is what a green alligator lizard looks like by the way. More on that later) Continue reading “My Favourite Animal”

Random problems with my school

I am not one of those people who always say, “ugh, school sucks. I hate school”. Actually, I am quite the opposite. But that does not mean it does not mean it doesn’t come with its own set of problems. When I say that, I mean the more silly reasons. It is me who is saying this after all. I don’t have any serious issues, just ones that I am sure almost everyone can relate to. So here are some of mine. Continue reading “Random problems with my school”

We Are All Made Of Molecules rewiew

Let me assure you that this book is in fact a fiction book which has nothing to do with science despite what the title may imply. Trust me, I had to learn that after reading the entire book. Despite this however, I have to say, I really did enjoy this book so let me tell you a little bit about what this story tells us. Continue reading “We Are All Made Of Molecules rewiew”