
Terrariums are like little biomes that do not require you to repeatedly water them. They are sort of like tiny rain forests in jars that can even inhabit small creatures such as ants and caterpillars. As soon as I saw one on the internet, I just had to make one. As it was only just my first time, I thought that having the responsibilities of looking after a living creature in them was a bit too much for now. Continue reading “Terrariums”

Isle of Skye

So, in the weekend, me and my family went to Scotland and the Isle of Skye. We only did this because Monday was a bank holiday which gave us extra time to get back. The only bad thing about this was that we had to drive there. It took around ten hours and because me and my brother we at the back, we were shoved in with everything else at 2 in the morning. Despite all of this, it was still fun.

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