A beast

The air was sauna hot. Sunlight danced between the leaves as the gentle hand of the breeze ran through the trees. My hands clamped tighter around the railing. A small crowd began to gather like hungry vultures flocking around a carcass. Dozens of eyes darted around the enclosure. The sickening smell of sugar intoxicated me as a young child frantically stuffed wisps of candyfloss into his mouth. The gentle rhythm of breathing danced around me as everyone eagerly waited, slowly drawing in breaths of air. I anxiously look at the ground when the air suddenly went stagnant with silence. I look up. Continue reading “A beast”

To build a raft

Everyone has those days when you feel like you have literally nothing to do. You are engulfed in a world of boredom and you spend the whole time trying to find a nice way to spend it. Sometimes you get lucky. Others however, end up as a complete fail. Fortunately, I have experienced one of these days and I have to say, it was quite a success. We are lucky to have a river flowing near our house. This gave an idea. What if we could make a boat. It was way too small to fit a full-sized boat and even if we could, it would take too long to make. So, we decided to make a smaller one. A miniature one if you like. So off we set of (me, my dad and brother) on the quest to build a raft. Continue reading “To build a raft”


Terrariums are like little biomes that do not require you to repeatedly water them. They are sort of like tiny rain forests in jars that can even inhabit small creatures such as ants and caterpillars. As soon as I saw one on the internet, I just had to make one. As it was only just my first time, I thought that having the responsibilities of looking after a living creature in them was a bit too much for now. Continue reading “Terrariums”