A Court Of Thorns And Roses

The book ‘Court of thorns and roses’ does contain some questionable content (as in a few scenes go into very unnecessary detail over gore and other things that are only good for making you cringe). This book’s title did not really appeal to me and the front cover just made me go,” meh”. By the way, the title and the front cover are two of the three reasons why I choose a book in the first place (the third factor being the blurb which is something a lot books do not understand the purpose of having one is!  But that is an argument for another day). Anyway, because of all of this, I had left that book on the shelf for quite some time, not even giving it a second glance. But all of that was about to change. Continue reading “A Court Of Thorns And Roses”

The Midnight Zoo review

People say to never judge a book by its cover but knowing me, I do quite the opposite. I always graze past all the book shelves, looking for interesting titles or intriguing front covers. Obviously, this method’s success rate is so low that I end up asking other people for their book recommendations. It’s like a lion watching a herd of gazelles, hoping that one might just fall over close enough for it to pounce on to (that lion must be so lazy, it probably put its whole pride in jeopardy, not to mention it being a role model for the next generation). But where there is a will, there is a way. I had found an amazing book that I am now proudly able to recommend to all of you (who knows, maybe the lion had just as much luck as I did). I have never heard of it before so I doubt that all of you have either. It is probably one of the lesser known classics as it is based on some history. But intertwining between the lines of battle aircrafts and war with invaders is an amazing fantasy and when I say that, I mean talking animals (spoiler-Teehee). Continue reading “The Midnight Zoo review”