Moonrise book review

To be completely honest, I only took this book due to its very pretty and visually pleasing cover. I needed something to save from boredom whilst I wait for my bus and I was not entirely sure whether or not I would enjoy this book. I would like to go back in time and give past Maaya a great thankyou for not walking past this book in the shelf (which is a surprise because there a lot of things as to why I would like to go back and punch past Maaya). This book has opened me up to a whole new way of story telling and it is also the first one where I had to put it down and have a break from it to prevent myself from blubbing (I was not ready to feels). The story of Joe, the main character, is written in blank verse. This makes it a very quick read and it also make you sad that the book ends so quickly. The ending gives meaning to the title and front cover and it really makes you jump up and down yelling “OOOOOOOOoooooooh THAT MAKES SENSE!”. Here is a little , what do you call it, teaser if you will: Continue reading “Moonrise book review”