The Eagle of the Ninth 🦅

I have always been a fan of Roman (and Greek) history. I mean, I got a Ps4 just so I could play AC Odyssey. I have also read the Odyssey and thoroughly enjoyed it. I do plan on moving to the Iliad (though it should have been the other way around, I know I know). But there is one problem. There is always something so daunting about the thought of reading a book with a lot of factual and historical context. Is it the traumatic memories of my English literature classes rushing through me or is it fear it may be too slow and dreary or packed with too many references to points in history that I don’t know (and sometimes don’t even care about)? Continue reading “The Eagle of the Ninth 🦅”

Moonrise book review

To be completely honest, I only took this book due to its very pretty and visually pleasing cover. I needed something to save from boredom whilst I wait for my bus and I was not entirely sure whether or not I would enjoy this book. I would like to go back in time and give past Maaya a great thankyou for not walking past this book in the shelf (which is a surprise because there a lot of things as to why I would like to go back and punch past Maaya). This book has opened me up to a whole new way of story telling and it is also the first one where I had to put it down and have a break from it to prevent myself from blubbing (I was not ready to feels). The story of Joe, the main character, is written in blank verse. This makes it a very quick read and it also make you sad that the book ends so quickly. The ending gives meaning to the title and front cover and it really makes you jump up and down yelling “OOOOOOOOoooooooh THAT MAKES SENSE!”. Here is a little , what do you call it, teaser if you will: Continue reading “Moonrise book review”

The Beach

The countless shades of blue swirl together in a muddled mass across the sky.  The sun violently beats down its warm (and sometimes unwelcomed) rays of sunshine onto the ground. I look up to the sky only to be blinded by the bright, white ball of fire in the sky. As I rub my eyes, I think to myself, “what could I possibly do to stop my self-baking in the sun like a potato in an oven?”. Then with a little light bulb flashing above my head, I turn to the vast expanse of water beside me. Its foamy waves gently lapped on the golden sand. The braincells left in my head tell me Continue reading “The Beach”

A trip to the sunny beach

 This month has felt like the hottest days of my life so far. Going to bed in a massive puddle of sweat is not exactly the most pleasant thing I have experienced and wish I don’t have to go through that again. But enough about the searing heat, you must be wondering about what I did to cope with the suns evil rays of incredibly high temperature. And before you say, no it was not sitting in a mountain of ice lollies and ice creams (though I do wish I could have done that). That sounds a bit silly. In fact, I did something that was actually quite sane (for once). I went…to the beach (let’s just assume you haven’t already read the title and that was a surprise). Continue reading “A trip to the sunny beach”

My first camp part 2

There on the tent wall was a massive (that might be a little bit of a hyperbole) spider, with it came a pearly, white, egg sack which it rolled along beneath its legs. After hushing the girls in the tent, I cautiously neared the spider. Only the problem was that the closer I got to it, the bigger it began to look; its details began to become more detailed. Its tiny, bead like eyes with its hairy appendages. It was only then that I realised that I had no idea whether or not it was poisonous (which I doubt it was, but the fear still remained) and the fact that I had no idea how I was going to pick it up. I did have a tissue in my hand but the thought of it squishing beneath my fingers, only a thin layer of paper separating me from its body. The thought made me shudder.
Continue reading “My first camp part 2”

My first camp (excusing treco)=part 1

This weekend, my scout group decided to give me the opportunity to go on my first camp. Yes, I may have gone on my trip to Treco, but this was much different. There all the tents were already set up and the food was precooked and stored in canisters and metal trays. Here, all the tents (for sleeping, eating and cooking) had to be put up by us. The only thing on the campsite that was there at advance was a toilet hut and a few cabins for the younger children in Beavers and Brownies. Oh, and have I already mentioned how all the cooking was done by scouts on a schedule, so you had to eat with the constant fear of coming down with a case of food poisoning? Just kidding the food was quite pleasurable yet the possibility still creeped in the back of your head. Now I know what you are thinking. How bad could it have been? I mean you only left on Friday and came back on Monday. That is only two nights. Its not like you were put into the middle of a jungle and left to fend for yourself, right? Well, you do have a point there. As a matter of fact, I really did enjoy it but it did have its drawbacks, those moments when you think to yourself “can I not just go back to bed?”. So, I have decided to finally share my story. Here it goes… Continue reading “My first camp (excusing treco)=part 1”

My trip to Black Land’s Living Museum

When I first heard that we were going to Black Land’s living farm, I could barely control my excitement at first. The moment I got home from after school, I began to furiously type its name into the internet; I just had to know what it was like and what kind of things I was to expect. I was then greatly disappointed. Whenever I searched up its name, my computer kept on showing me images of antique furniture and carpets. This made me so disappointed that I forgot about it it right up until the trip was the next day. Little did I know however, that you should not always trust what you see at first. Continue reading “My trip to Black Land’s Living Museum”